Telehealth is As Effective as In-person Therapy

Is this really true? The data says “yes”.

Moreover, in 2010 and later, in 2018, researchers performed a meta-analysis (evaluated overview) of scientific studies done regarding the efficacy of online therapy. Their expert, in-depth review found that online therapy is just as effective as in-person therapy. this is the case for depression, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and more.

Telehealth Is A Good Fit for a Variety of Lifestyles: 5 Key Benefits


No commute, travel costs, or traffic stress is certainly a Telehealth advantage. If nothing else, what you seem to lose from a lack of face time you gain in time, money, and reduced tension.


In this post-Covid world, any of us have gotten used to more flexibility as we’ve tapped into the power of our technology. We know that we don’t have to be anywhere. An office is where we make it, business hours are adjustable.

For plenty of us, the old parameters are negotiable. Talk to your therapist, see what your sessions options look like. Then, set up a time that works for you both.


A qualified, experienced therapist will ensure that your sessions are emotionally safe and technologically safe. Just ask about precautions and you should find that working on your mental health is completely private.

In addition, you’ll have the added benefit of never running into someone you know as you enter or exit an in-person session.


Two reasons many people shy away from therapy? They are restricted by geography or disability.

If you live far from your therapist of choice, commitment to in-person sessions may wane. A physical limitation or chronic condition may make travel too exhausting a prospect.

Teletherapy brings the sessions to you. Your needs are met from start to finish. Thus, most people are more likely to show up for their online sessions when they don’t have to tax themselves to do so.


Generally, Telehealth therapy billing is lower than in-person sessions. In this time of job shifting and rising costs of living, this can be a benefit worth considering.

Why Telehealth Works

Telehealth robs you of very little. You still have the opportunity to talk directly with your therapist. Everything is happening in real-time. Sessions are not filtered through texts or video delays. Conversations and emotions are organic. Guidance and support remain genuine and specific to you.

The truth is you are likely to feel more relaxed and open at your own home, or office, or even in your own car. As long as your internet signal is secure and stable, you can pick the location. When you are at ease, benefiting from Teletherapy isn’t hard work at all.

What Next?

If you’re struggling right now, it’s crucial to seek treatment sooner rather than later. If you’re already in therapy, but feel hindered by Covid or something more personal, the consistency afforded by Teletherapy can make a huge difference in continued recovery.

Finally, I’m here to help online or off. Let’s discuss the goal for your recovery and your future. Please read more about counseling and contact my office for a consultation.