5 Ways to Rev Up Your Sex Life During COVID

The pandemic puts a damper on everything. Even sex. You’re not alone.

For lots of couples it was novel to spend those early, socially distant days and weeks, close and cuddled in. You may have genuinely relished the fact that you had all the time you wanted to enjoy and explore each other.

Then the weeks turned into months. And a year later? Well, the intimacy games that once served you well may seem a bit stale.

So what now?

Perhaps you’ve struggled to talk about it. Or you’ve just drifted into a routine of smart screens and sleep instead of sex at all. Worse, maybe your sexual boredom has lead to a bit of grumpiness and resentment that worsens as the COVID isolation wears on.

You don’t have to go on this way. You can still be stimulating company for one another. You have the power to invite excitement and pleasure back in.

How? Try a few of the following ideas:

5 Ways to Rev Up Your Sex Life During COVID-19

1. Make Date Night A Thing Again

Do what you must to make time together matter again. Dress up and go on a “date.” Usher in that loving feeling by “going” somewhere in or around your house if necessary. Th point is to intentionally be somewhere together in a romantic way.

Take time to look good and smell good. Eat sexy food that you didn’t cook. Drink cocktails from fancy glasses. Dance real close to an extra-long playlist on your phone. Or create a movie theatre in the garage, complete the atmosphere with popcorn and chairs comfortable enough for some serious makeout sessions.

Transport yourselves with some date-night imagination and see if your libidos don’t join you.

2. Get Physical to Get Sexual

Sedentary living is easy when you’re on lockdown. It even feels justifiable. Yet, staying at home, on the couch, in your sweats, was never mandated. And its rarely the kind of existence that gets the flames of desire burning.

To stoke those kinds of flames, it helps to get warmed up early in the day. In other words,  stretch together, take long walks, bike, or do some form or cardio. This can connect you physically and act as a sort of foreplay. Have fun geting sweaty in the backyard. It just might lead to some fun in the bedroom too.

2. Try Storytime for Two

Sometimes we forget how stimulating the spoken word can be. Whispered in each other’s ear, you can share fantasies and sexual possibilities in the form of grownup bedtime stories or erotic phone calls. A sexy tale or two can quickly rev up the mind, effectively stimulating your bodies from the top down.

If you struggle to come up with the words at first, read to each other. Or plan ahead and write each other erotic letters.  Sharing desires this way can reveal your sexual interests, likes, and wants. It is both safe and as revealing as you want it to be.

4. Pay. Very. Close. Attention.

Mindfulness is the practice of remaining in the here and now. A beneficial gift during our COVID age.

In a time full of pressures, uncertainties, and distractions, learning to be present is crucial.  Sexual boredom and lagging libido are often anxiety-related. You and your partner may not realize how much COVID life has deprived you of the ability to relax in your own bodies. You can lose touch with what’s pleasurable. Stressors beyond your control can keep you tense and outwardly focused.

Make time to come together, slow down, and breathe. Lay or sit next to each other and let yourselves relax without thinking about how you’ll perform or what comes next.

Mindfulness keeps you in the moment. Kiss, touch, inhale. Feel and be present. Remain wholly focused on your sensations and exploring each other. Don’t judge yourselves, just allow your minds and bodies to come back to the present if they drift and experience the pleasure there.

5. Heal the Past. Honor Your Right to Sexual Fulfillment.

COVID confinement may have brought some emotional business to the forefront that you were once too busy, afraid, or resentful to face. Now, faced with them, you may be experiencing emotional blocks that impact your sexual connection.

That’s okay, the relationship you want isn’t lost forever. Your current isolation may be the opportune moment to develop authentic to closeness in your relationship and intimacy like you’ve never had. You just need a qualified guide to help you get there.

Online couples therapy can help you open up and create a safe environment for sexual growth and excitement again. A therapist with experience in both couples and sexual therapy can help you address issues with communication, past trauma, and sexual functioning. We’re here to help.

Please read more about couples counseling and contact us soon for a consultation.

Keywords: Sex therapy, Couples Counseling, Sex and relationship counseling, COVID, Maryland sex therapy, New York sex therapy, low desire, mismatched desire